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David Vincent requested to merge sphere into master

Modifications in dgConservationLawShallowWater2d in order to apply the sw2d equation on a sphere. Riemann and diffusive flux are modified in order to take into account both normals (from left and right). The basis transforms is performed by modifying the jacobain

Add two tests: Munk (stommel withoput dissipation and withdiffusion) Sphere: test geostrophic balance on a sphere Create a new class to compute the local basis and the transformation matrix (dgSpaceTransformSphereOnFlatTriangle)

Files created: mesh/dgSpaceTransformSphereOnFlatTriangle.h mesh/dgSpaceTransformSphereOnFlatTriangle.cpp modules/shallowater/tests/munk modules/shallowater/tests/sphere Files modified modules/shallowater/dgConservationLawShallowWater2d.cpp modules/shallowater/dgConservationLawShallowWater2d.h

Merge request reports